Husband | Father | Tech Enthusiast | Cricket | SSE, @naviscargo
Cases and their uses. · Naming conventions in Javascript is always a topic of debate. Here's me trying to put my views in my perspective. Note:...
Console API of Javascript scripts provide a lot more than just console.log. Here are some of my observations & learning on the Console API. Also, a...
Have you ever wondered, how would your webpage look when printed? 🤔 And you don't have a printer? or you don't want to waste a ton of papers for...
According to MDN, NaN is a property of the global object. In other words, it is a variable in global scope. The initial value of NaN is Not-A-Number...
> Generally, decorators in programming are used to add some additional meaning/function to a method, variable or a class. I have used a lot of...
I see a lot of tweeting platforms, which give you the power to send scheduled tweets, retweets, like all the comments for your tweets, always retweet...